Late-Season 2,4-DB Applications Peanut Notes No. 209 2024
Question: Is it too late for 2,4-DB to be applied? Jordan: This is okay from a plant response standpoint. I have applied …
Question: Is it too late for 2,4-DB to be applied? Jordan: This is okay from a plant response standpoint. I have applied …
Question: Do you have to use a adjuvant with 1. Provo Silver 2. Bravo and tebuconazole? Jordan: I have never used an …
Attached are a few pictures from pod maturity samples from dryland fields. The first two are from test plot …
Question: We have started seeing a fair amount of Sclerotinia blight this week. The fungicides applied so far we’re Bravo/tebuconazole, …
The most recent crop report for the V-C region can be found at the following link: 2024 9 V-C Crop …
The link below includes information on field days in North Carolina during September. There is also a late-season disease …
Notes from Jacob Forehand and David Langston at the recent peanut field day at Virginia Tech can be found …
Heating units from April 20 through Aug 15 at Blackville and Florence are about 14% greater than what they …
Question: What would be a good next spray for this program? 7/9 Aproach Prima 7/22 Bravo plus Folicur 8/5 Provost Silver Considering Bravo plus Folicur for last …
The following link includes information Ethan Foote presented today. Comments about Peanut Response to Cover Crops and …
Question: Will a peg with a pencil eraser size nut (or smaller) today have time to mature? Jordan: Of course it depends …
Question: What is the minimum number of nodules on the peanut plant‘s roots for adequate nitrogen fixation? Jordan: 15 nodules at 45 …